Familie Kittelmann

Johanne Christiane Kiesewalter

Johanne Christiane Kiesewalter
Given names
Johanne Christiane

MarriageJohann Ehrenfried KittelmannView this family

Birth of a daughter
Henriette Kittelmann
Birth of a daughter
Auguste Louise Kittelmann
October 2, 1844
Birth of a daughter
Ottilie Mathilde Kittelmann
June 25, 1846
Birth of a son
Johann Ehrenfried Louis Kittelmann
July 19, 1854
Address: Rabishau Nr. 26
Birth of a daughter
Adolphine Selma Kittelmann
August 9, 1857
Death of a husbandJohann Ehrenfried Kittelmann
March 24, 1866
Address: Rabishau 26
Source: Grundbuch Rabishau wg Erbe
Marriage of a childAlois Max Reinhold SchneiderAdolphine Selma KittelmannView this family
December 18, 1877
Residence December 18, 1877
Address: Rabishau 26 mit Ihrem Sohn Louis
Marriage of a childJohann Ehrenfried Louis KittelmannAuguste Emma KittelmannView this family
Type: Civil marriage
March 11, 1879
Address: Rabishau 26
Note: die Väter des Bräutigams und der Braut hiessen beide Johann Ehrenfried Kittelmann und waren zum Zeitpunkt der Hochzeit beide bereits verstorben

Birth of a granddaughter
Ida Selma Kittelmann
September 4, 1879
Address: Rabishau 26
Marriage of a childJohann Ehrenfried Louis KittelmannPauline Mathilde KiesewalterView this family
Type: Civil marriage
August 28, 1883
Address: Rabishau Nr. 7
Birth of a granddaughter
Meta Kittelmann
May 20, 1884
Birth of a granddaughter
Agnes Lina Kittelmann
June 6, 1885
Birth of a grandson
Max Kittelmann
November 7, 1887
Birth of a grandson
Hugo Kittelmann
between 1885 and 1894
Birth of a granddaughter
Ida Kittelmann
between 1885 and 1894
Marriage of a childJohann Ehrenfried Louis KittelmannAlwine Amanda LederView this family
Type: Civil marriage
May 19, 1891
Address: Rabishau 7
Birth of a grandson
Paul Alfred Kittelmann
November 18, 1895
Birth of a grandson
Hans Kittelmann
May 14, 1898
Death of a sonJohann Ehrenfried Louis Kittelmann
August 18, 1931
Note: von Sohn Max gemeldet - lebte seit kurzem bei diesem

Family with Johann Ehrenfried Kittelmann - View this family
21 months
21 months
8 years
3 years