Agnes Lina KittelmannAge: 2 months1885–1885
- Name
- Agnes Lina Kittelmann
- Given names
- Agnes Lina
- Surname
- Kittelmann
Birth | June 6, 1885 30 22 |
Birth of a brother | Hugo Kittelmann between 1885 and 1894 |
Birth of a sister | Ida Kittelmann between 1885 and 1894 |
Death | August 27, 1885 (Age 2 months) Address: Rabishau Nr. 7 |
Family with parents |
father |
Birth: July 19, 1854 29 — Rabishau Death: August 18, 1931 — Hirschberg |
mother |
Pauline Mathilde Kiesewalter Birth: August 26, 1862 — Rabishau Nr. 85 Death: December 16, 1890 — Rabishau 7 |
Marriage: August 28, 1883 — Rabishau |
9 months elder sister |
Meta Kittelmann Birth: May 20, 1884 29 21 — Rabishau Death: January 5, 1953 — Görlitz |
13 months herself |
2 years younger brother |
Max Kittelmann Birth: November 7, 1887 33 25 — Rabishau Death: October 3, 1947 — Bodenwerder |
7 years brother |
Hugo Kittelmann Birth: between 1885 and 1894 30 22 — Rabishau Death: May 12, 1916 — gefallen im Krieg |
10 years sister |
Ida Kittelmann Birth: between 1885 and 1894 30 22 — Rabishau Death: |
Father’s family with Auguste Emma Kittelmann |
father |
Birth: July 19, 1854 29 — Rabishau Death: August 18, 1931 — Hirschberg |
step-mother |
Auguste Emma Kittelmann Birth: December 7, 1851 — Rabishau Death: September 21, 1879 — Rabishau |
Marriage: March 11, 1879 — Rabishau |
6 months half-sister |
Father’s family with Alwine Amanda Leder |
father |
Birth: July 19, 1854 29 — Rabishau Death: August 18, 1931 — Hirschberg |
step-mother |
Alwine Amanda Leder Birth: September 25, 1865 — Rabishau 35 Death: April 15, 1904 — Rabishau 7 |
Marriage: May 19, 1891 — Rabishau |
5 years half-brother |
Birth: November 18, 1895 41 30 — Rabishau Death: September 14, 1966 — Überlingen |
3 years half-brother |
Hans Kittelmann Birth: May 14, 1898 43 32 — Rabishau Death: May 22, 1960 — Mannheim |
Death | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,944 × 2,896 pixels File size: 1,748 KB Type: Photo |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,944 × 2,896 pixels File size: 1,884 KB Type: Photo |